Entries by Robyn Blake Mortimer

Preparing for the Holiday Season

Welcome to the Holiday Season! Stuff to buy is everywhere. Shopping aisles are filled with trappings to assist happy, intact families celebrate together.  In the USA we are on a countdown from Thanksgiving to New Year for non-stop partying and forced togetherness.  In Adelaide, it starts with the Credit Union Christmas pageant. Does that thought […]

How to train just about anybody!

How to train just about anybody! Do you ever have great ideas which seem wonderful at the time but take a lot longer to implement than you ever anticipated? That is the story with Phoenix, my 4 month old, hypo-allergenic Cavoodle puppy. You see Phoenix here looking angelic and so well behaved! What the photo […]

Replace Contempt With Appreciation

Replace Contempt With Appreciation How is your relationship is going with the extra time together during the lockdown?  Are you getting tired of avoiding certain topics for fear of starting one of those disagreements that could rage out of control, or more likely, just end in stony silence? Are you continuing to put on a […]

Manage Conflict like a Pro

Manage Conflict like a Pro Don’t you hate it when well-meaning professionals get on their soapbox and start preaching about what couples should do to fight fair or resolve conflict?  It all sounds so removed from the real world of nitty-gritty arguments when tempers run high and you definitely don’t feel like practising acts of […]